Are Aborted Fetuses Lucky?

If you were an aborted fetus in heaven how would you feel towards supporters and enablers of abortion?

Amnesty International (AI) has recently abandoned its non-stance on the issue and come out in support of reproductive health including legalised abortion.

David Schütz, responding to Frank Brennan who maintains Catholics can still support AI in good conscience, says that:

Brennan better be confident of explaining his rationale for continuing to support Amnesty International to Jesus and the victims of abortion when he meets them.

It makes sense that god would be annoyed. Abortion stuffs up his little Earth game where he gets to test every one of his miniature creations while messing with the conditions once in a while to keep us on our toes. (You know, when he answers prayers, performs miracles, sends earthquakes and floods, appears in cheese sandwiches.)

Yet surely the aborted fetuses in heaven would be thrilled with their situation. Thanks to abortion doctors and pro-choice activists, they have skipped, what is for many humans, a pain-ridden existence on Earth, and gone straight to heaven.

As such, the risk that they may have grievously sinned on earth, and ended up in hell, is completely removed. Sure they’ve missed out on life, but for an eternity of bliss in heaven it’s a very small price to pay.

If the fetuses in heaven are on the ball, they won't be asking Brennan for an explanation, they'll be thanking him.


Australian Atheist said...

The Daily Show with the low down on the Catholic Church's rethink on limbo thus allowing aborted fetuses into heaven.

Schütz said...

What a terrible misunderstanding of the value which Christians place upon life in THIS world!

The logic of your argument here is that Christians would be morally justified in killing everyone who was ever conceived--the earlier the better! On the contrary, true Christianity values life in this world as having no less value than eternal life in heaven, even with all its heartache and suffering.

It is only living our life to the full here on earth among other human beings which gives any true meaning to life in the hereafter.

Australian Atheist said...

true Christianity values life in this world as having no less value than eternal life in heaven, even with all its heartache and suffering.

This can't possibly be true. Eternal bliss with god in heaven must have more value than life on earth. Infinite $ is surely better than $10.

It is only living our life to the full here on earth among other human beings which gives any true meaning to life in the hereafter.

So this means that fetuses in heaven are existing without meaning.

The logic of your argument here is that Christians would be morally justified in killing everyone who was ever conceived--the earlier the better!

This is the logic of heaven. It would be the ultimate sacrifice for a Christian to kill as many sinless fetuses and babies as possible. He/she would ensure that those fetuses and babies would go to heaven. While confining him/herself to eternity in hell. It is similar to taking a bullet for someone else. Yet more brave - the bullet-takers loses his/her life, aforementioned killer loses eternal bliss.

Say for example I am a Christian and somehow discover that my son, no matter what I do, will grow up to commit numerous mortal sins. Thus confining himself to hell. I love my son and wish to prevent him from ending up in hell.

As there is nothing I can do, in this hypothetical, to prevent my son from sinning, the ultimate selfless act would be to kill him before he mortally sins. I would thus send him to heaven while sending myself to hell.

Tom Foss said...

It would be the ultimate sacrifice for a Christian to kill as many sinless fetuses and babies as possible.

No, no, no. For a Christian, the "ultimate sacrifice" is getting a nasty beating, dying for a weekend, then going to Heaven forever, in order to change some arbitrary rule.

Australian Atheist said...

When god, who is all powerful, could have changed the rule anytime he wanted. But I guess he wanted to see his son tortured instead. What an all-loving kind of guy.

Spanish Inquisitor said...

I never understood why all so many Christians are waiting around for the Rapture. Hell, all they need to do is slit their wrists, and before they die, as the blood is flowing, confess their sin and ask for forgiveness.

Bingo, instant Rapture!

Anonymous said...

I've felt the same way for quite some time. Abortion = ticket to Heaven! Yeah!

Australian Atheist said...

Spanish Inquisitor - For Catholics suicide is a mortal sin. So it probably won't work for them. Best to have a loved one kill you early.

Mathew Wilder - Abortion = A ticket to the house with the stairway heaven, you mean. (Led Zep played today. Wish I had a spare $20,000.)

Aspentroll said...

I was told that god was omnipotent. Doesn’t that mean he controls everything that happens down here on earth? He would control when we are born and when we die. He controls when fetuses are born and die too, I would guess. An abortion doctor doing his thing would be under the control of god. God would be controlling the abortion doctors every move when he does the operation. This would lead me to believe that it is god who is doing the abortion, using the arm of the doctor.
Fundies will cry that Satan is the cause for all bad things that happen here on earth. Am I then to believe that maybe abortions are not included in god’s list of bad things. Or am I to believe that god is not really in control? God controls everything else why not Satan as well.
God’s ability to control what happens here is starting to worry me. Let’s see, there was (and I won’t even try to list the atrocities mentioned in the bible which were directly caused by god himself,) The Inquisition, World war 2, and all of the other wars, most of them caused by differences in religion, acts of terrorism, most notably 9-11, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and most notably Benny Hinn and the countless number of atrocities that happen daily around the planet. This most wonderful, loving entity has screwed up in grandiose fashion.
This should lead a thinking man to wonder if god does really exist or just doesn’t give a shit. There will be those that will say, “We have let him down by not allowing him into schools, the gays are to blame, Satan and that ATHEISTS have arrived and causing all the trouble in the world”.
Back to the word “Omnipotent”, I think it’s a useless word which describes a useless and dangerous ideology.